The MRL is sad to report the passing of Professor Ed Kramer, IRG-1 participant and longtime supporter of the MRL. Since his arrival at UCSB in 1997 Ed has been very involved in continuing the success of the MRL and materials research at UCSB through leading Independent Research Groups, mentoring graduate students and post docs, and building industry connections and support. Over the years most of his graduate students and post docs have been housed in the MRL, becoming a part of our large interdisciplinary family. In 1999 he initiated the Materials Research Outreach Program, the main industry outreach program of the MRL, and continued to be actively involved in its planning and successful execution ever since. Ed will be missed by all of us here at the MRL.
The College of Engineering has a nice summary of Ed's research and teaching contributions here.
The UCSB Current has an article here.