Register for MROP 2015 on line here.
For questions regarding registration, please contact Sara Sorensen at sorensen [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu.
We are pleased to announce that the Materials Research Outreach Program (MROP 2015) will take place February 3rd & 4th in the UCSB Corwin Pavilion. The program will focus on research efforts concerned with the science and engineering of organic-based macromolecules and polymers as well as inorganic materials and is designed to stimulate collaborative research between faculty groups at UCSB and industry scientists and engineers under the auspices of our Materials Research Laboratory, a Materials Research Science and Engineering Center funded by the National Science Foundation. Several UC-industry joint research efforts have been initiated as a result of this Program. As befits the interdisciplinary nature of this effort, our participating faculty represent a number of departments (e.g. Materials, Biomolecular Science & Engineering, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering and Physics) and many have joint appointments in more than one department.
The scientific program will feature talks by UCSB faculty, students, and industry representatives where the scope of materials research at UCSB can be appreciated through one-on-one contact with graduate students and faculty. Highlights will include the Cheetham Lecture and dinner reception on Tuesday (February 3rd) as well as a poster session on Wednesday evening (February 4th). We hope that you will be able to join us!
The DEADLINE FOR ROOM RESERVATIONS is January 10, 2015. We have set aside a number of rooms at the Harbor View Inn, 28 W. Cabrillo Blvd. in downtown Santa Barbara for participants in the symposium. Please note: The special rate is based on single occupancy. Please phone for reservations at (800) 755-0222 and ask for Sylvie in Group Sales as soon as possible to reserve a room at the special rate - space is limited. Tell them that you are with the "UCSB MROP 2015".
For those staying at the Harbor View Inn, transportation will be provided between the Harbor View Inn and Campus each day. Meet outside of the hotel lobby at 8:00 am on Tuesday, Feb. 3 and at 8:15 am on Wednesday, Feb. 4 and look for white UCSB Vans.
Support for this program is provided by the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers Program of the National Science Foundation.
Symposium Committee:
hawker [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu (Craig Hawker), Phone: (805) 893-7161
gfh [at] mc-cam [dot] ucsb [dot] edu (Glenn Fredrickson), Phone: (805) 893-8308
edkramer [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu (Ed Kramer), Phone: (805) 893-4999
seshadri [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu (Joni Schwartz), Phone: (805) 893-8519
seshadri [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu (Rachel Segalman), Phone: (805) 893-5032
seshadri [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu (Ram Seshadri), Phone: (805) 893-2031
vandewalle [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu (Chris Van de Walle), Phone: (805) 893-7144
Useful information:
- For local and campus maps and directions to UCSB campus follow this link.
- General visitor information about Santa Barbara