Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): MRI is an imaging technique used to produce high quality images of objects such as human bodies, small animals and materials. The images reflect the spatial distribution of NMR signals for the nucleus of interest over a space. As a upgrade to MRI, Rheo-NMR, a combination of NMR and Rheology, measures the rheological properties of materials at the microscopic molecular levels.
Diffusion measurement (Diff): NMR spectroscopy allows measurement of the coefficient of self-diffusion (Ds) which is defined as the translational diffusion coefficient, in the range of 10⁻8 m2/s to 10⁻14 m2/s in both solids and solutions using gradient pulses.
Solid-state NMR (SSNMR): The instrument is capable of performing routine solid-state NMR experiments.
- MRI resolution of 10 µm
- Super-Wide Bore (SWB): 150 mm for magnet, 90 mm with TOSI shim stack and 72 mm with BOSS-II shim stack
- Linear Power Amplifiers: 300 W for 1H/19F and 500 W for X and Y channels (15N-31P).
- High Resolutions: 12.5 ns timing, <0.01 deg. phase and <0.005 Hz frequency.
- Wide Temperature Range: -50°C to 400°C.
- Strong Gradient Power Amplifier: Up to 130 Amperes.
- Micro 2.5 Micro Imaging Probe: 2.5 G/cm/A (or 325 G/cm at 130A).
- Rheo-NMR: It reveals macroscopic mechanic properties of materials at the microscopic molecular states.
- Diff50 z-Diffusion Probe: 60 G/cm/A, up to ~3000 G/cm.
- Double Resonance MAS Probe: 1H/15N-31P
TRAINING: Please go to our NMR Training Request Form to sign-up for NMR training.
For details about the instrument, please refer to the specifications in the original quote MRI Specifications