The newly acquired Bruker AVANCE III Ultrashield Plus 800 MHz (18.8T) narrow bore (54mm) spectrometer is available for both solid-state and solution-state NMR experiments per request.
This user friendly machine features a Bruker SampleCase - a 24 sample, waist level, random-access, automation system for sample loading (for Solution State NMR only).
800 MHz Solid-state NMR probes:
- 3.2mm Tri-Gamma HXY triple resonance MAS probe (max. speed 24kHz)
-- H channel: 800 MHz (1H)
-- X channel: 180 MHz -> 330 MHz (including 59Co, 79Br, 13C, 27Al, 23Na, 71Ga, 11B, 31P, etc.)
-- Y channel: 70 MHz -> 170 MHz (including 85Rb, 15N, 17O, 2H, 29Si, etc.)
- 3.2 mm HX double resonance MAS probe
-- H channel: 800 MHz (1H)
-- X channel: 33 MHz -> 211 MHz (including 183W, 14N, 85Rb, 15N, 17O, 2H, 29Si, 59Co, 79Br, 13C, 27Al, 23Na, etc.)
- 2.5mm HX doubel resonance MAS probe
-- H channel: 800 MHz (1H)
-- X channel: 122 MHz -> 323 MHz (including 2H, 29Si, 59Co, 79Br, 13C, 27Al, 23Na, 71Ga, 11B, 31P, etc.)
800 MHz Solution-state NMR probes:
- Bruker TXI HCN cryoprobe with PFG, 5mm
- Temp: 0 to 80C
- Four channels: 1H, 13C, 15N, and lock (2H)
- Best for 1H and 13C direct detection, and 13C and 15N indirect detection.
- Optimized for biomolecular NMR
- Both 1H and 13C channels are cryogenically enhanced. 13C sensitivity is ~8-10X of that on NMR500. The cryogenically-enhanced 13C channel on the cryoprobe makes this instrument the most sensitive on campus for direct 13C detection.
- Bruker triple resonance 1H{13C/15N} probe with PFG, 5mm
- Four channels: 1H, 13C, 15N and lock (2H)
- Best for 1H direct detection and indirect detection of 13C and 15N
- Bruker HCP probe with PFG, 5mm
- Best for 1H and 31P direct detection
Main Features of Bruker SampleCase:
- Convenient sample access at desk height
- Safe operation on the side of the magnet
- 24 easily accessed sample positions
- Random access for sequential- or batch automation
- Unique manual push-button sample exchange
- Supports all common sample-tubes in spinners or shuttles
- Compatible with MAS and Cryofit
TRAINING: Please go to our NMR Training Request Form to sign-up for NMR training.
For more details of individual nuclei, please see:
If you are interested in using the 800 MHz please consult jghu [at] mrl [dot] ucsb [dot] edu (Jerry Hu)