The Bruker AVANCE500 spectrometer is a high resolution NMR spectrometer equipped with a narrow bore AS600 magnet charged to 500MHz. It is a four channel spectrometer that operates at 11.7T (1H frequency of 500MHz) and is primarily used for solution NMR spectroscopy. The machine is equipped with various double resonance broadband probeheads for both solution (5mm BBFO 1H-F/X and 10mm BBO 1H/X Double Resonance Probe) and solids (2.5mm, 4mm, and 5mm MAS 1H/X Probes), Triple-Resonance/Triple-Gradients Probe for biological solution NMR, and 4mm hr-MAS 1H/13C z-gradient Probe for macromolecules and oriented media in solution. For more information on all available probes, please follow the link below.
Click here for Probe Features of AVANCE500
The AVANCE500 spectrometer has comprehensive modern NMR capabilities and covers a wide range of NMR experiments in both solution- and solid-state, as shown below.
- Solution NMR:
- 1D and 2D NMR operation procedures can used for the solution AVANCE 500 NMR spectrometer.
- Features:
- 4-Channels: 1H, X, Y, and Z
- Variety of probes (see Probe List)
- Digital Filtering and Oversampling
- Deuterium Decoupling and Observe
- 0.05¡ phase stability, 0.001 Hz frequency resolution, ±0.1 °C temperature control, and linear power amplifiers
- 3-axis Gradients:
- DOSY for diffussion measurement
- Gradient Shimming
- Gradient Solvent Suprresion (WET,MA,WATERGATE)
- etc.
- Macromolecular Study:
Proteins, DNAs, RNAs, Protein-DNA(RNA) complexes, Lipid Bilayers, etc. - 3D Structure and Dynamics:
NOESY, HSQC-NOESY, TOCSY-NOESY, HNCA, HNCACB, HNCO, TROSY, HCCH-TOCSY, and all other experiments for biological NMR
- Solid-state NMR:
- Fast Magic Angle Spinning rate up to 35 kHz
- High Power Amplifiers: 1kW for both 1H and BB channel
- Fast Digitizer: 12 bit FADC with 10 MHz sampling rate
- Sample Changer (without removing probe from magnet)
- Variable Temperature (see Probe List )
- Samples: Polymer (Plastic), Biopolymer (Protein, Lipid), Catalyst (Zeolite), etc.
- Application:
- Activation Energy, Chemical Shift, CSA, Quadrupolar Parameters(CQ, h)..
- Correlation, Exchange, Motion, Relaxation, ...
- Spectral Editting, Connectivity, Distance, Geometry, Orientation, ...
- Experiments for I=1/2 Nuclei (see NMR Periodic Table):
BD, CPMAS, CRAMPS (1H Observe), 19F-Observe/Decoupling, (CPEDIT, SS-APT), (MAS-J-HMQC, INADEQUATE, HETCOR, J-HETCOR), (C7, DRAW, MELODRAMA, R2,REDOR, RFDR, TEDOR), etc. - Experiments for I>1/2 Nuclei (see NMR Periodic Table):
TRAINING: Please go to our NMR Training Request Form to sign-up for NMR training.
For more details of individual nuclei, please see: