The Empyrean is Panalytical’s newest multipurpose diffractometer. Winner of the 2011 R&D 100 Award for ‘winning technology’, the Empyrean boasts not only the highest the highest angular resolution of any laboratory diffractometer, but the highest dynamic range and lowest noise of any commercial diffractometer as well. Key features of the Empyrean diffractometer are:
- Bragg-Brentano HD: a module that greatly suppresses the K-Beta and K-Alpha-2, resulting in a highly monochromatic incident beam.
- Automated sample changer allows for the user to load and run up to 15 different samples in a single batch.
- PIXcel 1D detector: Line photon counting detector with the smallest pixel size and highest dynamic range of any detector currently on the market.
- Rotating sample stage for improved data of rough samples and samples of limited quantity.
- High Score Plus: advanced data analysis software for phase identification, profile fitting, and Rietveld refinement.
- Able to switch between reflection, transmission, and Debye-Scherrer diffraction geometries.
Example Data
XRD data from Antarctic sea snail shells to study the effects of ocean acidification.
1409 CNSI