The innovation engine for new materials

Recharge Rates

The MRL x-ray facility is operated on a recharge basis. Current recharge rates (effective 08/01/2022) are as follows:

Instruments/Resources On-Campus Rate ($/hr) Off-Campus Rate (Academic/Non-profit) ($/hr) Off-Campus Rate (Private/For Profit) ($/hr)

Commercial Diffractometers
(MRD & MPD Thin Film & Powder, Rigaku Smartlab, XRF)

50.50 78.53 151.50

Specialty Diffractometers
(Intermediate and Ultra SAXS, WAXS)




Nikon Microscope


42.19 81.39


R&D Engineer 120.55 187.46 361.65
Prof. Researcher 245.25 381.36 735.75
Assoc. X-ray Specialist 117.95 183.41 353.85

Structural Databases

free to authorized users


For UCSB users, a campus charge account number is required prior to setting up a valid user name. For off-campus users, a blanket P.O. number and a bill to address should be provided before any work in the facility. Accounts will be billed on a monthly basis. It is the responsibility of the users to update account information by contacting staff members. Expired charge accounts will result in suspension of user previleges.