The innovation engine for new materials

Ron Penate

Ron Penate


Goleta Valley Junior High School

Grade Level: 

Junior High

Teaching Position: 

Physical Science


Carlos Levi




Rafael Leckie

Research Project Year: 


Research Project Title: 

Materials That Can Take The Heat: Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs)

Research Project Description: 

Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) offer the potential move turbine engine temperatures into the next level, offering a potential increase in operating temperatures of over 150 °C. TBC's have been in development since the 1950's and have seen numerous design and composition changes. By providing an insulating layer on the surface of the turbine blade, the temperature of the metal can be kept within safe limits while the operating temperature of the engine is raised. From an engineering stand point the major interest with TBCs lies in the predicting when they will fail as failure of TBCs will lead to failure of the turbine blade at temperature exceeding the metal's natural limits.

Rafael Leckie and I made some new materials in the lab. This involved synthesizing the powders from liquid precursors, and then determining their high temperature stability. The ultimate goal is to make some highly porous ceramic targets which will allow us to deposit the new materials onto metal substrates in the same manner that current TBC materials are deposited.

Curriculum Project Year: 


Curriculum Project Title: 

KWL: A Method To Nurture Science Research In Your Classroom

Curriculum Project Description: 

The graphic organizer and reading strategy known as a KWL (What I KNOW, What I WANT to know, and What I LEARNED) can be the tool you are looking for to make science meaningful for all your students. Learn to implement KWLs to nurture science research and inquiry in your classroom. Use KWLs to address the California science content standards and to evaluate your curriculum.

Curriculum Project Attachments: 

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