For your acknowledgment of MRL support please use one of the following statements:
- For work that is substantially supported by the MRL (e.g. IRG and Seed areas):
"This work was supported by the MRSEC Program of the National Science Foundation under Award No. DMR 2308708." - For work where the MRL support is subsidiary to that from other agencies:
"This work was partially supported by the MRSEC Program of the National Science Foundation under Award No. DMR 2308708." - For work which solely makes use of the MRL Shared Experimental Facilities:
"The MRL Shared Experimental Facilities are supported by the MRSEC Program of the NSF under Award No. DMR 2308708; a member of the NSF-funded Materials Research Facilities Network ("
Please report your publications to Sylvia Vogel along with an assessment of whether or not the work was performed with "full MRL support", "partial MRL support" or "use of MRL facilities only", as well as the particular IRG the work falls under.